[Registration Upcoming Campaign] BRAND DR.VIT Indonesia
Hi Febster! Yuk ikutan campaign ini dan dapatkan reward up to IDR 60,000 febster diminta untuk membuat 1x instagram feed foto/video dan 4 IG Story menginfokan tentang Brand Dr Vit Indonesia
-Pria dan Wanita
-Nano/Micro Influencer, min. followers 9K
-Beauty enthusiast creator
-Rata-rata like postingan 400+ dan Kualitas konten bagus2 (lebih banyak diutamakan),
-Domisili Sepulau Jawa
-Bersedia review produk sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan Januari-Februari (Produk akan dikirimkan setelah Influencer terpilih)
Scope of Work (SOW) dari campaign ini adalah:
–Memposting 1x IG Feed Foto/Video dan 4x Video Story Product Review (Sunblock, Moisturazer, Serum DNA/Whitening, Facial Foam)
Benefit untuk Influencer : Fee Influencer 60K, + Free Produk dari Dr VIT Indonesia
Registrasi di: https://bit.ly/DrvitxFEB
*Jika kamu yang TERPILIH pada campaign ini akan diundang pada Grup Campaign.
Community Guidelines
- Be yourself! Only join a campaign if you would recommend the brand for free.
- Brand are more likely to reject low-quality photos/videos (Dark, Grainy or Blury) so you must upload best content!
- Your photo/video and caption must not mention or show any competitor’s related a brand, logos, or products.
- Only submit original content that you either own or have created.
- Soliciting or buying engagement (likes, comments, followers, view or shares) will result in a ban.
- Do not archive or delete your content.
- no profanities – please keep it PG.
- Do not reach out to brands directly. If you face any issues with the campaign, the FEB Digital Team can assist you at info@febinfluencer.com