You are currently viewing TOP 2 Platform MCN di Shopee, FEB Digital Agency Siap Bantu Afiliasi Content Creator dan Brand

TOP 2 Platform MCN di Shopee, FEB Digital Agency Siap Bantu Afiliasi Content Creator dan Brand

— CEO MCN FEB Digital Agency Galih Mandala Putra bersama Cindy Angelina, Pimpinan PT Shopee International dan Tim: Jumat-Sabtu (10/05/2024). (Foto: tangkapan layar/Farhan FEB Agency)


Jakarta (Mandala Digital Group) ——– PT FEB Digital Agency welcomed the PT Shopee International (Shopee) to our office last month to discuss GMV Performance, dashboard Ads System & Strategy, exciting collaboration opportunities for TOP Creator development and creative skill through the MCN Company program.

Key representatives from both organizations attended the meeting, including Shopee International Analyst for Innovative and Product Development, MCN Shopee Program Manager, from FEB Digital Team, Director of Marketing, Communications, and MCN Manager, and Advertising Strategist.

MCN FEB, known for its innovative creator platform & advertising company to workforce skills in Indonesia, sees great potential in this partnership with PT Shopee İnternational. “We want to learn, understand the lessons learned, and identify gaps we can fill to support national Creative Economic Indonesia’s strategies,” said MCN FEB Team. Discussions included collaboration on digital skills, live streaming strategy, rewarding trophy for Shopee and other relevant top creators development.

Through this potential collaboration, MCN FEB Digital is committed to synergizing inclusive programs and continuously contributing to creating a competent MCN Shopee Partner & as a Creator Platform to compete in the job market.

We could not be prouder of beyond words to our whole team (Top Creator, Creator Manager, Account Manager, MCN Manager, etc) who ensures the continuity of our service to Content Creators & Sellers partners. Nominated on TOP 2 awards of MCN Shopee Partner period of April – May, 2024!

Let’s become the First Executive Board (FEB) on 2024!





Co-founder Mandala Digital Group dan Es Teh Solo, Galih Mandala Putra, M.Ds. menyampaikan, Kolaborasi ini telah membuktikan bahwa Industri Kreatif di Indonesia telah memiliki banyak generasi penerus bangsa yang dapat menjadi estafet kepemimpinan bangsa Indonesia di 2045.

“Terima kasih banyak atas support dan dukungannya selama ini kepada Pimpinan PT Shopee International termasuk Direktur Shopee Indonesia yakni Handhika Jahja, Christin Djuarto dan jajaran tim Shopee. Kami percaya Tim Shopee Indonesia berkomitmen untuk selalu mendukung seluruh ekosistemnya agar bisa mengembangkan bisnis UMKM lokal sehingga dapat berkontribusi dalam menggerakkan ekonomi digital di Tanah Air.” kata Galih Mandala Putra CEO MCN FEB Digital Agency.


Sebelumnya, FEB Digital Agency telah berhasil mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai Top 2nd (Terbaik Kedua) Best MCN, dan Nominated Best Affiliate Partner dalam ajang MCN Shopee Partner pada Maret – Mei 2024 lalu.

FEB Digital Agency adalah perusahaan startup yang bergerak di bidang talent management dan advertisement digital yang menyediakan berbagai layanan yang mendukung branding perusahaan klien yang di antaranya Infuencer/KOL Campaign, Training & Workshop, TikTok Live E-commerce, serta Shopee Partner and Ads Manager yang dapat dipilih sesuai kebutuhan. Sebagai mitra resmi Shopee terbaik, FEB Digital Agency mendapat pengakuan atas keberhasilannya dalam menaungi 5000 content creator, 700 brand dan UMKM dengan memperoleh berbagai penghargaan bergengsi dari Shopee dan TikTok.

Hadirnya dukungan dari para kreator, tim, dan juga sinergi penuh bersama Mandala Group, FEB Digital Agency berhasil menorehkan prestasi membanggakan sebagai Top Multi Channel Network (MCN) di Indonesia. Pencapaian tersebut terjadi berkat transaksi penjualan yang dihasilkan sekitar 170 Miliar Rupiah GMV di TikTok Shop.
FEB Digital Agency menangani mitra ternama dan UMKM seperti Scarlett Whitening, P&G, YOU Beauty, Lenovo, Yoyic Indonesia, dan lainnya.



For more info, follow our others social media :
Whatsapp: +62 878 98378117
Facebook : FEB Digital Agency
Instagram : , @febinfluencer , @febdigitalagency , , @forumentertainbdg
Website : atau
TikTok: FEB Influencer
or by clicking the link in our bio!



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